Magdalena Wójcik

M. Wójcik, zestaw Fado, 2013-2014, GOOD DESIGN 2015; carafe h 26,6 cm, Ø 11,6 cm, glass h 90 cm, Ø 8,5 cm, carafe h 17,7 cm, Ø 17 cm, glass h 20 cm, Ø 9,1 cm; collections: Krosno Glass S.A.; photo S. Karalus

Glass does not appreciate sharp angular forms; it looks much better in smooth and gentle shapes. I have often reduced and simplified lines to make the forms I design slender and elegant.
I have rarely used embellishments – painting or stencilling. My motto has been: beauty is in the

Magdalena Wójcik

M. Wójcik, vases, 2000, h 25, 5 cm; h 34,5 cm ; h 25 cm; h 29,5 cm; vases, 2000, h 34,5 cm; h 29 cm; h 33 cm; h 27 cm; collections: Krosno Glass S.A.;
fot. S. Karalus
M. Wójcik, vases Arges, 2002, h 31,5 cm; h 29 cm; candelsticks, 2004, h 37 cm; collections: Krosno Glass S.A.; photo S. Karalus
M. Wójcik, vases Muraya, 2003, h 31 cm; vases, 2011, h 41,3 cm; h 26 cm; collections: Krosno Glass S.A.; photo S. Karalus
M. Wójcik, zset, 1992, h 24 cm; h 21,4 cm; h 12 cm; h 28,5 cm; collections: Krosno Glass S.A.; photo S. Karalus,
M. Wójcik, glasses, 2000, h 21,7 cm; h 16,7 cm; h 20,2 cm; collections: Krosno Glass S.A.; photo S. Karalus
M. Wójcik; collections: Krosno Glass S.A.; photo S. Karalus

Graduated from the State Secondary School of Visual Arts (currently the Piotr Michałowski State Secondary School of Visual Arts) in Rzeszów, 1978, specialisation: utility forms.

In 1982, she was employed as a glass designer at Krosno Glassworks, (now Krosno Glass S.A.), where she worked continuously until her retirement in 2018.

She has created more than 10,000 glass designs. Many of them were presented at fairs and exhibitions in Poland and abroad, including the Frankfurt International Fair, the Poznań International Fair, and the Birmingham Fair.                        She has received numerous awards and prizes for her work, including. a Gold Medal at the Poznań International Fair for a set of table glass, 1992; the title “Design of the Year 2002” awarded by the Minister of the Economy, Labour and Social Policy for the Arges line of vases for beautiful and concise forms obtained through simple glassworking procedures; the distinction Polish World Product for the Muraya set of vases and salad bowl, 2007; several times the title “Good Design” awarded by the Institute of Industrial Design in Warsaw, e.g., for the Fado set, 2015.

Among other things, the following glass sets were highly appreciated by customers: Fiord (carafe, glasses), Refiection (carafe, glasses, shot glasses, salad bowl, jug, vase), Fado (shot glasses, glasses with cork base, carafe), wrap-around vases.
Her works are housed in the Podkarpackie Museum in Krosno.
